Author: admin
3 Things to Keep your House Sparkling Clean
Cleanliness is next to godliness goes a saying that has now become trite, however, that has not removed the import message it conveys – forming the habit of cleanliness. One area that is not so easy to build a cleaning habit on is the house. The average individual would want to have or live in…
3 Things to Improve Kitchen Hygiene
Wash your hands This is most important when working in a kitchen as studies have shown that the kitchen is the place where germs are most likely to be found. Germs can spread easily when working with food and our hands can be in contact with many things during our daily interactions. By making it…
The Initiative
The initiative is aimed at providing valuable resources to individuals and families in order to help improve overall health and hygiene. Studies have shown that we are more likely to perform better when faced with small achievable tasks; it improves our motivation and turns inaction to action. The most common reason we are unable to…